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Pronounced E-ri-kah

She'll light up your world like nobody else. She is creative and always finds new ways to create.


—A few words that perfectly describe Erika in the Urban Dictionary! 

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My Story

On a very cold day in December of 2010, I walked away from my full-time job to put handwritten quotes scribbled in my journal to life. At that moment, I never imagined my life taking a drastic turn. I was just yearning to discover something different and out of the ordinary. I grew up thinking success came from having a nice salary, benefits, and an office to match.


​My vision for success came crashing down while on the plane heading back to Chicago after bringing in 2010 in Atlanta. I was writing inspirational quotes in my journal, one of them being "go for yours." 


And although it was part of my journey, I could only go so far in the field I was pursuing at the time. I also wasn't too keen on taking boring team meetings inside a stuffy conference room. I wanted to make business deals outside in the sun at a fancy lunch similar to Kimora Lee Simmons in Life in the Fab Lane. 


I began my entrepreneur journey with a vision to publish Go for Yours, sell lots of books and become very successful. I had no plan of action. Looking back, it amazes me how naive I was about entrepreneurship. However, if I had all of the details of what would follow, I probably would still be sitting at my dreaded desk in boring meetings, not following what was truly in my heart.


It was an eventful journey, but I went from living in my grandmother's basement on the south side of Chicago to living out my dream in Los Angeles, California. I will spare you all of the details. You can read them in Don't Wait Create. Let's just say it's been a bumpy ride but one of the greatest decisions I have ever made. Deciding to step out on faith allowed me to discover many talents dwelling inside of me. It's allowed me to become the best version of myself. 


I believe there is much more for me to accomplish during my time on this earth. However, I am thankful to have a clear vision about the direction I would like to go. I'm most passionate about making sure my fellow entrepreneurs don't have to go through some of the things I went through during my time of trial and error. If there's anything I can do to help you achieve your goals, please don't hesitate to reach out. 



Erika R. McCall




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